New Testament Survey
The C2000 Series MP3s are recordings of Pastor Chuck Smith’s “Through the Bible” messages delivered at Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa. As you take this course, you will study the Bible verse-by-verse from Matthew through Revelation by listening to the expository messages,  and taking personal notes from the teachings in a wide margin NKJV bible.  This course should give you a broad and deep understanding of God’s Word. Upon completion of this course students will have their own complete commentary on the New Testament.
Old Testament Survey
The C2000 Series MP3s are recordings of Pastor Chuck Smith’s “Through the Bible” messages delivered at Calvary Chapel of Costa Mesa. As you take this course, you will study the Bible verse-by-verse from Genesis through Malachi by listening to the expository messages, and writing down personal notes from the teachings in a wide margin NKJV bible. This course should give you a broad and deep understanding of God’s Word, which will strengthen your relationship with God and help you understand His will for your life.  Upon completion of this course students will have their own complete commentary on the Old Testament.

Biblical Manhood and Womanhood
This class will focus upon pastoral ministry by studying through the Pastoral Epistles, and examining the examples of leadership found in both the Old Testament and New Testament.  As well as practical training in officiating wedding and funeral services.

Women’s Ministry and Discipleship
This class is offered for women only. Within this course you will learn biblical and practical ways to serve and lead in women’s ministry.

This is a verse-by-verse study of the book of Genesis. The intention of this course is to study the account of the creation of mankind and the unfolding plan of redemption, leading each of us into a deeper faith in God the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.

Major and Minor Prophets
This class will consist of an overview and study of the messages of the pre-exilic and post-exilic Major and Minor Prophets of the Old Testament.

This class will be a verse-by-verse exegetical study through the book of Daniel. We will be studying the main theme of Daniel, which is, “The Times of the Gentiles”. We will be looking at when the “Times of the Gentiles” began, when it will end, and what this means for us today. We will also be studying the lives and character of Daniel and his three friends.

A study through the life and ministry of Joshua. You will learn lessons on leadership and victorious Christian living.

The Gospel of Matthew
The class will include an  overview of the inter-testimental period and manuscript evidence for the New Testament. Studying through the Gospel of Matthew you will gain greater understanding of Jesus as He is presented as the King of Kings.

The Gospel of John
This course is a verse-by-verse study through the Gospel of John. We will consider the life and ministry of Jesus. We will also study theme of the deity of Jesus Christ found within this gospel.
The Book of Acts
This course is a verse-by-verse study through the Book of Acts. We will look at the growth of the early church and church practice, including the function of spiritual gifts in the Church. We will also study the aspects of early church missions, church planting, and discipleship.
The Book of Romans
The course is a verse-by-verse study of the book of Romans, a book long regarded as the most systematic presentation of doctrine in the Bible. Students will look carefully at how the saving life of Christ, through the work of the Holy Spirit, can transform lives.
The Book of Hebrews is divided into two sections: first, the superiority of the Son in His person and work (1:1-10:18); and second, the practical application of the superiority of the Son in the lives of believers (10:19-13:25). This course will be divided into these sections as well by the activities we will experience during this course as we study verse-by-verse through Hebrews. We will encounter our holy calling, our priesthood, by drawing near continually “with a true heart in full assurance of faith…” (Heb 10:22)
In this course, we will seek a biblical understanding in our minds and hearts of the events that God has foretold through His prophets concerning the Last Days. We will seek to understand where we are in the history of prophecy and what lies ahead for the Church.
Systematic Theology
Through this class you will gain a better understanding of how Biblical theology provides the basis for understanding the texts in one part of the Bible relate to all other texts of the Bible. You will also gain a solid understanding of the major doctrines of the Christian faith.
Inductive Bible Study  
The purpose for this class is to teach and encourage students to study the Word of God by carefully observing, carefully interpreting, accurately cross-referencing, and relevantly applying the text to their lives. Note—Inductive Bible Study and Hermeneutics are not generally taught in the same semester but either class will fulfill the Hermeneutics/Inductive Bible Study requirement.