Hello prospective student! We are so excited to welcome you to Calvary Bible Institute! This schedule of payments is for both semesters of our 10-month program. Please contact us with any questions.
Tuition Only Cost

Total Tuition is $8,000.00, divided into two $4,000.00 payments(not including food or housing).
There is a non-refundable deposit of $750 (due upon acceptance). This payment is credited as tuition.

Fall Semester Balance $4,000.00 - August 19, 2024
BBQ and Convocation 8/25
Classes begin 8/26

Spring Semester Balance $4,000.00 - January 14, 2025
Spring Semester Classes begin 1/21

Program Costs:
Tuition $8,000

Tuition and Housing Cost

Total Tuition is $13,000.00 including housing and food divided into two $6,500.00 payments.
There is a non-refundable deposit of $750 (due upon acceptance). This payment is credited as tuition.

Fall Semester Balance $6,500.00 - August 19, 2024
BBQ and Convocation 8/25
Classes begin 8/26

Spring Semester Balance $6,500.00 - January 14, 2025
Spring Semester Classes begin 1/21

Program Costs:
Tuition $8,000
Livescan and Books (Additional Fees)
There will be a $75 required fee for a Livescan background check upon your arrival. A Livescan background check is required of all students, staff, and volunteers working on the Calvary Christian Fellowship campus.
There will be possible required reading for classes. This depends on the teacher and their course outlines. Plan to purchase 5 to 8 required books.

Enrollment is open anytime until CBI is at full enrollment capacity. Under certain circumstances, other arrangements can be made.

*Credit card payments are not accepted at this time.
*All Checks Made Payable to:
Calvary Chapel of San Jose Memo CBI Tuition
1175 Hillsdale Ave
San Jose, CA 95118
For the official financial information, please see the attached PDF