Calvary Bible Institute CBI was founded in 2017 in Yucca Valley at Joshua Springs Calvary Chapel by Jerel Hagerman. Since its founding, many more CBIs have opened around the world. In 2022, CBI San Jose was established to carry on the Vision and Mission of CBI to "Raise up the next generation of Pastors and Leaders."
To check out other CBIs, follow this link.
To check out other CBIs, follow this link.

CBI's vision is "To raise up the next generation of Pastors and Leaders."

To equip individuals who have heard the call to ministry (Ephesians 4:11-12).
We equip saints for the work of ministry through the study (2 Timothy 2:15) and application (James 1:22) of His Word.
We equip saints for the work of ministry through the study (2 Timothy 2:15) and application (James 1:22) of His Word.